NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation of Covenants, Restrictions and Easements of Oceanfront Plaza Condominium Association, Inc. that the Board of Directors will conduct a meeting to be held on: July 23, 2024 at 7 P.M. in the Recreation Room, located at 2625 Collins Avenue, 2nd Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33140.


1. Certifying Quorum – Call to order

2. Certifying Notice of Meeting

3. Reading and Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting

Old Business:

4. Manager’s report

a. Review quotes and selection of Reserve Study Firm.

5. Director Marisol presentation of update of building construction projects

6. Vice President report updating on barbecues.

7. Secretary’ James’ Insurance claim update on upcoming inspection

8. Treasurer’s Report: April and May financials

a. Review of 2023 Audit draft for approval

New Business:

b. Treasurer’s introduction of Bookkeeping companies’ bids. Board’s decision on selection of next bookkeeping services provider to OFP.

c. Presentation to membership of Next Generation Accounting’s principal.

9. President’s presentation and report SA6- 1.6m loan with Popular Bank for phase 2

a. status of loan commitment

b. discussion in preparation for upcoming special assessment to complete the 40 Year Recertification and next project’s funding

10. Adjournment


Posted on 07/19/2024